jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Granada North Ecopark. 3º ESO - A, B and C. Dec 4th, 2014.

It has been a very educational trip. It shows us that everybody should be more involve in recycling in order to improve our world. We should avoid purchasing unnecessary items.
In this recycling plant we have seen large amount of rubbish that hasn't been recycled properly.
Today I have learned that although I know the different trash containers. I don't recycle properly. There are much things to know about the way we have to recycle everything, glass, pastic, paper, etc.
This plant makes a selection of all the different kinds of rubbish, then the different types of waste are divided into trucks and taken to the place where you can use it again.
The climate change is affecting our planet and we are increasing this change using too much non sustainable energy.
Another very important thing I have also learned is that we shouldn't look what other people do, because many water drops are able to fill a glass.

                                             By: Isabel Maria Cantos Sánchez 3 ESO B

On the tour I learned more about energy . Nonrenewable energy sources are depleted such as eg coal or oil. Instead renewables never exhausted , at least at the human time scale . All of these energies come from the sun , and are, for example , solar , wind , tidal ... I've also learned that climate change has always been , but now is accelerating very quickly. As a result this may melt the polar ice caps and cause sea level rise , flooding coastal areas . We can also help solve reusing , recycling ... Then in the containers we have seen why they separate trash. Then when we make the kitchen I saw how easy it can be manufactures a small solar cooker. 

                                       By Irene Alvarez. 3º ESO-B
Hi, I'm Marcos Córdoba. This moorning I didn't go to the trip because I gave you the authorization one day later, so was impposible. But my friends and classmates told me their favourites momments in the trip. I know that they went to a recycling plant to see and to know what about the objects that we recycle and how to do it. The different machines and the process to recycle. They discovered how to do a simple kitchen with some cartoon and some albal paper. Yo don't need any electricity, only the heat of the sun, and yo can boil an egg. They did it by groups. They stopped to ate their snacks. The liked it.
Regards, Marcos.

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Become creative in Maths!!!

Click on the link and continue the Story (someway related with maths) that is already started from the point the last contributor wrote. I hope it fills at least 2 pages from this template:


I remind you it´s better being creative than making many mistakes
. This will be the extra activity for this unit.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Invertebrates in our lifes. 1st ESO A, B and C. June 2014.



1st ESO. Groups A, B and C.

Music. Teacher: Jose Mª Huertas

- Physical Education. Teacher. Mr Cristobal Sánchez
- Visual and Manual Arts. Teacher: Mrs. Ana Muñoz Almazán
- English. Teacher: Irene López

2nd ESO. Groups B and C.
- Natural Science. Teachers: Mrs. Antonia Bravo (2nd ESO-B) and Mr. Carlos Muñoz (2nd ESO-C)
- Social Science. Teacher: Mr Francisco José Cabrera
Visual and Manual Arts. Teacher: Mrs. Ana Muñoz Almazán
- English. Teacher: Mrs Conchi Martín

3rd ESO. Groups B and C.
- Biology and Geology. Teacher: Mr. Carlos Muñoz
- Physics and Chemistry. Teacher: Mrs Antonia Bravo.
- Social Science. Teacher: Mr Francisco José Cabrera
- Maths. Teacher: Mr. Emilio Gutierrez
- English. Teacher: Conchi Martín (3rd-B) and (3rd-C)

4th ESO. Group C.
- Integrated Project. Mres. Pilar de la Torre
Physical Education. Prof. Mr Cristobal Sánchez
- Ethics. Mrs. Pilar de la Torre
- History and Geography. Mr. Fco J Cabrera 
- English: Teacher: Mr Julio Falero

1st Bachillerato. Groups B and C.
- Phylosophy. Teacher: Mrs. Pilar de la Torre.
- Science for the Contemporary World. Teacher: Mr. Carlos Muñoz
- English: Mr. Julio Falero (B) and Mrs. Irene López (C) .

2nd Bachillerato. Group B and C.
- History. Teacher. Mr. Francisco José Cabrera
- Integrated Project. Teacher. Mr. Francisco José Cabrera
- English: Mr. Julio Falero.

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014


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Que las disfrutéis!! Enjoy them!!!